Friday, June 28, 2013


I spent a few hours yesterday dealing with the grueling process of boxing up my room.  Anything that I wouldn't bring on exchange (but still wanted after I come back) was packed into totes and boxes and put in the basement.  I'm glad I got it done--it will make leaving easier.

Also got an itinerary for my flights from the travel agent!  It's semi-official (I approved it with the agent and am waiting to hear back from her about confirmation). Here is a rundown:

Depart from Minneapolis, MN at 10:25 AM
Arrive in Atlanta, GA at 1:47 PM
Depart from Atlanta, GA at 5:10 PM
Arrive in Lima, Peru at 10:45 PM

Departing on the 28th and, if all goes as planned, also arriving on the 28th!  I'll have all my traveling done in one day, and unfortunately will miss any Independence day celebrations (the independence day of Peru is celebrated on July 28th), but that's okay.

I have a little under a month until I depart.  I'm not scared.  I keep getting asked that--if I'm scared.  I really don't think I am.  I'm sure it'll be sad to leave my family and my city, but I don't really have any hesitation about this.  I'm just looking forward to going!  And I'll have Laura (from Minneapolis also going to Lima) with me on the 28th because we have the same flights.



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