Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Switched Grades

So, as we had been told, we exchange students at school were separated.  Before Victor (from Belgium) came, all 3 of us girls were in the same grade, called quinto (the oldest grade), and we were there for a month.  But when Victor came, they told us that there were too many people in quinto (and this is absolute nonsense because although 4 exchange students came in, 3 from their class left, so the class was only gaining one student...) and so two of us were to remain in quinto, and two were to be moved to the grade below, cuarto.  Emilie and I figured we would be moved to cuarto because were are the youngest of the 4 exchange students, but on Monday we were told that it was Victor and I who would be placed in cuarto.  I was quite upset over this because, as I previously posted, we had just begun making friends and actually felt somewhat comfortable in quinto.  And so Emilie and Tami get to remain in quinto with our friends, and I was moved to a new grade with new people (not to mention that the class has 3 girls and 17 boys........).  I feel this is quite unfair.  I have been in cuarto two days now.  Cuarto is okay, but like I said, it's almost completely boys, so they talk more with Victor than me.  They asked me a few questions (have I been to a party yet, do I drink, do I smoke, what spanish swear words do I know) hahaha.
     So overall, I just want to be back in quinto.  My friends are there and I prefer being in that class.  After a couple more days, I am going to ask if I can return to quinto, because I don't think it's fair of them to uproot me like they did.  I talked with an exchange student from Canada who went to this school last year, and she said the school did the same thing (separated them) but she asked to be switched back, and the school let her, so hopefully they'll let me.  We'll see how it goes. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ginger!
    I am now all caught up with your posts. Thank you for taking the time to do this and for sharing. I am confident things will work out for you at your new school. You are an amazing young woman with an awesome personality. Keep your chin up. What an awesome experience for you. Love you and miss you. By the way, 2 of the 3 grandson's that live with me don't like school either. Payton finally after a week of fighting us to go to school is getting out of the van by himself (I had to drag him out the other times!) What a sight!
