Saturday, February 8, 2014

Zoo Day

 A few days ago was my host sister Camila's birthday.  She turned 12.  We had a small gathering at the house with me, my host mom, host sister, host grandma, host brother, and host uncle.

Yesterday I had a spur of the moment photo shoot with Eduardo:

I really love this photo.  Looking into the mirror on the side of the bar in my host house, and there was a bit of light coming in through the window, and when it landed right in our eyes it looked awesome. 
The beautiful sky was a perfect backdrop

And he took this fabulous shot of me (missing the top of my head):

Today I woke up late, around 12:15 I think, and went downstairs and had breakfast with my host mom and host sister who apparently had also slept in.  We had fried eggs, bread, tea, and fried bananas.  Then my host mom gave us 2 options for the day.  We could go to La Punta (a place in Callao, really not that special) or the zoo.  We chose the zoo.

Camila and I

So those are the recent happenings aha.  Peace outttt!

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