Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Well, about 3 days ago I started getting a cough, it has slowly worsened, and yesterday it kept me awake for the first part of the night, despite my swallowing a spoonful of honey...and I think I may have had a fever yesterday in the evening too...and so today I did not go to school.  I slept until 12 and have been camped out on the couch for the last 5 hours, feeling kind of weak.  Tomorrow will be my last day of school, and I and the other exchange students were highly tempted to pull some kind of prank, but I truly just don't have the energy, so I'll leave egging for some other day.  I am graduating in 2 days (I didn't even realize it was that close already).  I don't even know where the graduation is being held, I should probably figure that out...should be getting my 'toga' (graduation robes) tomorrow at school. 

If you're wondering how I'm feeling about the whole plaque fiasco, well, the fact that my school still hasn't done anything to fix my name (they have not attempted to change it in any possible way, not even a piece of  tape, so I suppose I will remain Girger) hasn't exactly made me very happy.  I just try not to look at the stupid thing every morning when my class lines up next to it. 

I am feeling fairly 'meh' in this moment.  I am looking forward to a Christmas package from home in the coming weeks, I really want American food......I bought ramen noodles in the store the other day, made me crave pickles and grilled cheese :(((  I think I can make grilled cheese here...substituting the american cheese for, well, non-american cheese, of course, but still, something...

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